Strand 3 EDUCATION AND ENTERPRISE 1. Do you understand the school system in your host country?*YesNo2. Do you know what Vocational Training Centres are and where they are located?*YesNo3. Do you know where you can obtain recognition of your professional/diploma qualifications?*YesNo4. Do you know how to write a Curriculum Vitae so that you can apply for Jobs?*YesNo5. Do you know your host country's labour market and how to access employment?*YesNo6. Do you know the agencies to help you access employment in your host country?*YesNo7. Did you know there are organisations, recruitment agencies and websites that can help you find employment?*YesNo8. Do you know where you can find information on employment training and how to start your own business?*YesNo
Introduction to Online course for Refugees and Migrants
Strand 1 Language and Communication
Strand 2 Civic Life and Culture
Strand 3 Education and Enterprise
Strand 4 Wellbeing and Family